Agia Irini Village Turns to be a Beautiful Place for Adventure

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Agia Irini Village Turns to be a Beautiful Place for Adventure

Learn more from remote villages when travelling for adventure

As many people do not know, there is a lot to be seen in remote areas whenever you go to places for adventure. Greece is one of the countries in the world with numerous attractive features found in rural villages. Let us take a quick review of Agia Irini, a village which is about 600m from Crete. In this remote area, you can find the Agia Irini Gorge greatly infested with dramatic and varied landscapes like; forests, mountains, rocky riverbeds and so on.

 It is said that, in the rocks one could get a number of herb varieties where some of them are proved to cure complications like stomach pains and arthritis. In the Gorge, great species of fauna can be witnessed including; partridge, golden eagle, endangered bearded vulture and many more. Another village is Sougia which is towards the southern part of Crete and it is found to be one of the greatest and conducive places to rest after a long day’s walk. While you are here, you can take various drinks and meals in one of the taverns along the traditional seaside. Click here to get the full review of Agia Irini Village

Know the nature of beautiful sceneries surrounding Agia Irini as well.


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