Travel Stories | Business

How to save on cell phone roaming fees

Toronto-based KnowRoaming is an affordable solution for making calls and browsing the web while abroad. The company developed a "smart sticker" that you order and... read more

5 things you need to know about Barcelona

Unless sports do not interest you at all, you already know that Barcelona is home to the world conquering football club, Barcelona FC. This club... read more

5 things you need to know about Israel

The rhetoric about Israel being an isolated country in the Middle East has been overdone. Most people look at it from the hostilities angle and... read more

5 things you need to know about Malta

About 50 miles south of Sicily, 176 miles east of Tunisian coast and 207 miles north of Libya lies one of the smallest and most... read more

Ask a Travel Expert: Benefit at the Border

Why are goods sold in a duty free store so much cheaper? A lot of travellers wonder why merchandise sold in duty free stores are so... read more

Ask a Travel Expert: Benefit at the Border

Why are goods sold in a duty free store so much cheaper? A lot of travellers wonder why merchandise sold in duty free stores are so... read more

Ask a Travel Expert: Benefit at the Border

Why are goods sold in a duty free store so much cheaper? A lot of travellers wonder why merchandise sold in duty free stores are so... read more

Ask a Travel Expert: Benefit at the Border

Why are goods sold in a duty free store so much cheaper? A lot of travellers wonder why merchandise sold in duty free stores are so... read more

Ask a Travel Expert: Benefit at the Border

Why are goods sold in a duty free store so much cheaper? A lot of travellers wonder why merchandise sold in duty free stores are so... read more

How to enjoy a business trip

Enjoying a business trip is important to the projected outcome of a business trip. An unhappy business executive is unlikely to put in the extra effort that... read more