Get to Know the Pleasure of Solo Travel

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Get to Know the Pleasure of Solo Travel

Solo travel is one of the greatest pleasures you can imagine. In fact, it is an increasing trend among old and new generations, especially for women.

According to, 85.7% of its followers are women and Google searches for "Solo Women Travel" increased an extraordinary 230% in 2019.

They also revealed that millennials are the most passionate generation about travelling alone. In a Princeton Survey Research Associates study, 58% of millennials surveyed worldwide declared its desire for solo travel, a third of Generation Z also plans to travel in this modality, while the trend also increased by 20% for Baby Boomers.

If you are a person in constant search of experiences, solo travel is a must. Most of the solo travellers begin this adventure because they have an impetus to know the world, and they decided not to wait any longer. These are some advantages of planning a trip with yourself:

You Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

At the end of the trip, the same question always comes to mind: why didn't I think of that?

When you leave your comfort zone you find the best rewards of life. New challenges, moments full of personal growth, new friends… You will enjoy the sunsets alone to ponder about your life.

You Control Your Itinerary

Has it happened to you that you want to visit a place, but the people you travel with are not ready on time? Well, that will never happen if you travel alone. You own your time, you can do as many activities as you want, or even rest all day on the beach without pressure. That's freedom.

No Two Ways About It: You Meet New People

When you travel in a group, you talk with the same people all the time, but on solo travelling, it is infallible to make new friends. It doesn't matter if you are a shy or very outgoing person, someone will cross your path. You will be surprised at how many solo travellers there are, and everything you have in common with them.

You Rest Like A Prince/Princess

It is very easy to take a break if you have so much free time… and just for you! You will recharge energies like you never imagined and therefore you will lift your mood throughout the trip. It is a virtuous circle of feeling good and enjoying the good life.

Tips for Travelling alone

1. Investigate about your destination

Knowing what to visit or avoid will give you a great overview, it will help to create a profitable itinerary and reduce the risk of having a bad time. It is recommended to join Facebook groups or search forums. Usually, you will always find a local passionate to share its culture and city with you on the comments.

2. Your charged smartphone and Google Maps are your best partners

More than ever, it's very useful, especially if you decide to leave the resort. Save the addresses of your stay, airport, bus stations and other important places to know the way back; also track the routes if you take an Uber, taxi or public transport.

3. Scan your passport and important travel documents and save them in your email

It is better to be prepared for any incident, this way you can recover all your information as soon as possible if it's lost.

4. Sign up for a tour or group activities

The best way to connect with new people! It's a must for solo travellers. You will spend an incredible day doing activities accompanied by travellers with the same interests. It can be the start of a great friendship or even a romance.

Imagine discovering idyllic places, with self-confidence that you have never experienced. The benefits of solo travel are just around the corner. Remember that you are your best travel partner.

Content courtesy of Velas Resorts

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