Have a Spooky Yet Dramatic Holiday Vacation in Transylvania, Romania

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Have a Spooky Yet Dramatic Holiday Vacation in Transylvania, Romania

Learn more about the myths and real history of the most controversial part of Romania.

Located in Romania’s central region, Transylvania used to be an unheard of part of the country, but thanks to the Dracula novel popularized by author Bram Stoker and sensationalized by various movies, it has now been long linked as the place where vampires came from.

While you will be primarily enticed to visit Transylvania due to its horror background, you’d be surprised that dramatic Carpathian sceneries and utterly beautiful natural travel attractions will welcome you, not to mention its wealth of history.

Although Bran Castle, the sensationalized house of Dracula (whose real name is Vlad the Impaler), and the UNESCO World Heritage Site Sighisoara (the birthplace of Dracula) should be included into your travel plans, other visitor attractions that you ought to check out are the medieval cities of Targu Mures, Alba Iulia, Sibiu and Cluj-Napoca. Nonetheless, Daily Mail UK Travel writer Nick Boulos stuck to his fascination with Dracula by taking a tour commemorating Vlad the Impaler’s life (“Fangs for the Memories: Dracula Tales and Splendid Scenery on a Holiday in Romania”).

Here’s an excerpt of his recently published travel article:

Beside the tall clock tower, we lingered outside a house with a white plaque on its mustard yellow facade. “This is where he (Vlad the Impaler aka Dracula) was born,” said Andrea. Today, it is a soulless restaurant serving tourists a dedicated Dracula menu of tomato soup and pork medallions with garlic sauce… From Sighisoara, we ventured into rural Transylvania, where the flatlands are dotted with ancient oak forests, abandoned castles and quiet Saxon villages untouched by the modern world… Sweeping through valleys that glowed with autumnal colors, we arrived at one of Transylvania’s most idyllic spots. Dissected by a shallow stream bordered with weeping willows, Malancrav is a sleepy village of manor houses and apple orchards, and home to families of farmers and weavers.

Catch the rest of his article here, and see if you’re willing to have a spooky yet dramatic holiday vacation in Transylvania, Romania.

So contact us now for more tips on where to go on your next holiday trip!

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