Video: A Glimpse of the WildPlay Elemental Parks Network

Outdoor Activities British Columbia Read More Stories

Take part in adventurous recreational activities that may be far from your usual comfort zone.

Built in six magnificent Yukon and British Columbian forests, the WildPlay Elemental Parks network gives you countless, exciting opportunities to participate on aerial rides and features that are bound to give you challenging and uber-exhilarating experiences.

Whether you’re planning to brave the 150’ bungee jump from the park’s bridge or are wishing to participate in its Monkido Aerial Adventure, where you can mimic the way Tarzan swings, test your balance on shaky bridges and climb nets to check your endurance, there’s no way you won’t have fun at the WildPlay Elemental Parks. Check out more of these in this featured vid uploaded by Sean F. White.

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